yoga for PCOS course

Do you want to learn to manage your PCOS naturally? 

Well then my Yoga for PCOS course (linked here) is for you, designed to empower you in your journey towards taking control of your Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) using science-backed yoga & wellness practices. I have spent time understanding PCOS and the daily challenges it poses, as well as investigating the latest research on the topic, bringing it together to create a science-backed, holistic approach to managing PCOS symptoms through the practice of yoga.

Imagine this:

  • Balancing your hormones ⚖️ without relying solely on meds

  • Tackling each of your symptoms naturally using different aspects of yoga (that have been proven in research to be effective!)

  • Regulating your nervous system to reduce common companions of PCOS; stress & anxiety 

  • Taking back control of your body naturally, learning to love yourself & trust your body again!

Science says all of this is possible… And yoga is your secret weapon!

why yoga for pcos?

What is pcos?

In case you’re new to PCOS, here are a few quick facts:

  • PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

  • PCOS affects an estimated 8-13% of reproductive-aged people with a uterus

  • Up to 70% of those affected by PCOS are undiagnosed

  • PCOS is a leading cause of infertility

Unlock the transformative power of yoga as we delve into the science behind its effectiveness in managing PCOS symptoms & why it works! So if you want to improve your PCOS symptoms naturally (& most importantly without any nasty side effects), I’m here to provide evidence-based methods & techniques from yoga that can be applied to your daily life.

but why yoga?

With its unique combination of gentle yet powerful postures, breathing exercises & meditation techniques, the many elements that go into a yoga practice have the ability to address the many different & ranging aspects of PCOS from hormonal imbalance, to insulin resistance, poor sleep, stress management, irregular periods, fertility & overall reproductive health. It is the variety offered in yoga which is key to addressing the root causes of the symptoms.

Numerous scientific studies have found yoga to have a positive impact on a large range of PCOS symptoms including depressions and anxiety, testosterone levels, androgen levels, regular menstruation, improve fertility and more.

Yoga is a safe, side-effect free method to help tackle the complex combinations of symptoms we see in PCOS.

Yoga for PCOS Course
One time

My brand new course, "Yoga for PCOS'' brings together a wealth of science-backed yoga practices to help you learn to manage your PCOS symptoms naturally.

✓ 21 videos including yoga classes, breathwork & meditations
✓ Detailed info about science backed ways to manage PCOS
✓ Worksheets to help create a sustainable & personalised plan
✓ Access to the course for a year
✓ Bringing together information from over 55 research papers

Yoga for PCOS Course Highlights

1. Comprehensive Curriculum:

The Yoga for PCOS course is meticulously crafted to cater to all levels, from beginners to experienced yogis. The curriculum includes chapters introducing yoga, looking into the science around yoga & PCOS, answering your questions, helping you to create a plan, and then splits into chapters for each PCOS-related symptom so you can pick & choose the parts that will help you the most, personalising the course to the symptoms that you experience. Each chapter summarises relevant research findings, techniques you can implement & ways to use yoga to improve symptom management.

I understand that it can be overwhelming and extremely time consuming to learn about PCOS, with a wealth of books, 100 page research papers, hours of podcasts and videos. So this is why I have done all of that researching, note taking and listening for you, condensing my findings, piecing together the pieces of this huge jigsaw puzzle that is PCOS, gathering information from scientific studies, learning from their results & carefully piecing it all together to create my Yoga for PCOS course.

The course also contains multiple formats of information, including video yoga classes (of ranging lengths to fit in around your schedule), video tutorials, audio meditations and mindfulness exercises, and an easy-to-read eBook that delves into the science PCOS and yoga, tips for improving lifestyle, and plans to help you find the most sustainable way of adding yoga into your schedule.

This course gives you the information and guidance to help you learn about PCOS, to learn about your own body, how to listen to it, and ultimately how to begin naturally managing your PCOS symptoms.

2. Video classes, audio classes & more:

Not only will you get the comprehensive and easy-to-read eBook to help you understand the complexities of PCOS, the science around it & in depth information about each symptom, the Yoga for PCOS course also has over 18 video classes and tutorials and 4 audio meditations. Each of these videos are linked to different chapters in the eBook so that you can learn to choose the class that best suits the symptoms you are experiencing or how you are feeling each day.

Each of the video yoga classes offers a range of modifications for each pose so you can choose to make the practice more accessible, more relaxing or to dial up the intensity. This means that you can (and are encouraged to) repeat the same classes multiple times, trying different variations of the poses each time as you get used to the moves and build your confidence and strength.

The online classes that are part of the course have been written specifically for sufferers of PCOS, focusing on movements, types of yoga & breathwork practices that have been proven in scientific research to improve and manage the common symptoms associated with PCOS. Each class also includes stress management techniques to help you discover relaxation and mindfulness practices both on the mat, and off the mat to combat stress in your everyday life. Plus, we focus on building your mind-body connection, to help you foster your relationship with your body, cultivating trust, love & acceptance of the body you live in whilst supporting it in managing your PCOS symptoms better.

And you won’t have to do it alone! Alongside the online course, you will be given an invitation to join a supportive online Facebook group for course members only where you can further enhance your learning experience and transformation process through connection with the PCOS community.

3. Tailored to you:

We are all unique in our bodies, schedules, PCOS symptoms, and much more. I understand that:

  • Completing a 1 hour yoga class daily is not achievable for everyone’s schedule.

  • Each yoga pose will not suit everyone’s body without modifications.

  • Each person with PCOS has a different combination of symptoms and will need different ways of managing their PCOS.

That is why I have made this course personalisable, to help you create a sustainable, achievable plan that uses yoga to improve your unique PCOS symptoms, with poses you can adapt to fit your body, and pre-recorded on-demand classes that fit in around your life and schedule.

Finding time for yoga:

In this course, there are a range of different length classes so that each day you can choose one that fits around your schedule. From 7 minute breathwork practices, to 20 minute morning yoga classes, short bedtime wind-downs & 1 hour fiery flows, there is something for you each day, no matter how demanding your schedule. The eBook even contains super quick ‘movement snack’ ideas that can be completed in the 2 minutes it takes you to boil the kettle for a cuppa or to brush your teeth!

Plus, the course can be completed in your own time, followed at your own pace, and the pre-recorded yoga classes can be completed in the convenience and comfort of your own home. This course is designed to encourage you to create a sustainable and achievable plan (personalised to fit around YOUR life) to help you to improve your PCOS symptoms naturally.

Chapters include:

  • What is PCOS?

  • Why yoga for PCOS?

  • Yoga FAQs

  • What does the science say?

  • PCOS & You

  • Creating a plan

  • Key Poses for PCOS

  • Sleep Problems

  • Anxiety & Mood

  • Bloating & Gastro Issues

  • Absent & Irregular Periods

  • Insulin Resistance

  • Body Image

  • Infertility

  • Hormonal Imbalances (Hirsutism & Acne)

  • Piecing together the PCOS jigsaw

Every body is different:

Every body is unique, both on the surface as we vary in shape and size, and deeper down with differences in our skeletal systems. This means that there is no way that one pose is going to work for everyone. Therefore, throughout all of the classes in this course, I offer variations and modifications for each pose to encourage you to adapt my yoga flows for your unique body and the way it is built. I will guide you on how to adapt each pose by demonstrating variations within the classes and there is also an entire video dedicated to the differences in our bodies, how to support our unique bodies through the movements, how to create space in folded postures, how to use props (or household items) to enhance our practice and how to make this course work for you, as you are! Every body deserves that!

The PCOS puzzle pieces:

Not only is every body unique, so is the way that PCOS impacts every body. PCOS is referred to as a syndrome because it is identified through a group of symptoms which each person with PCOS will have a selection of. However, the combination of symptoms that each person with PCOS has will vary.

Therefore, when creating this course, it was important to ensure it could be tailored to manage each person’s individual combination of symptoms. The course is split into chapters focusing on each of the symptoms so you can choose to skip the ones that don’t apply to you and focus on the classes & chapters that relate to your specific symptoms. This allows you to create a PCOS management plan that is tailored to your unique needs.

4. Science-Backed Approach:

If you’re going to try a new way of managing your PCOS, you’re going to want to know it works! The great news is that over the last 2 decades, there has been a lot of scientific research into how yoga can impact PCOS and associated symptoms. I have trawled through the research, analysing the results and summarising the findings to create this course, tying together the ancient practices of yoga and modern science to offer a holistic solution that addresses the root causes of PCOS symptoms.

Each of the yoga classes were written based on scientific research, and designed specifically for PCOS, with different classes focusing on different symptoms. This means that not only do you get the standard benefits of a yoga class, you can enjoy your practice knowing that you are doing something that has been proven to work.

Plus, for those of you who are interested in the science, I have summarised the studies in the eBook so you too can learn about the how, what and why of yoga and PCOS!

Course FAqs

All you need to know before starting the Yoga for PCOS course…

when will the course be launched

The Yoga for PCOS course will give you access to a wealth of knowledge, a library of yoga classes and resources to help you take back control and transform your health and well-being.

And it is now live!!

Want to take a look at the course format first, click the link below to head straight to the course, and then sign up to get started on your transformative journey today!

Don't miss out on this chance to embark on a journey towards hormonal balance, stress relief, and a healthier, happier you.

Do I need to be good at yoga?

You do not need to have prior yoga knowledge, know the names of the poses, and you certainly don’t need to be flexible to join the course. We will go through everything from zero and slowly build up our practice in stages with achievable poses that are taught progressively. It’s all about moving your body, focusing on your breath, mindfulness, playing with movement, having fun & experiencing the joy of yoga.

This course welcomes all levels of yogis, from those who are brand new to yoga to those with years of experience. Each pose in the classes are taught with a variety of versions, variations and challenge levels, allowing you to choose the version that feels best for your own unique body.

Who is this suitable/not suitable for?

This course is aimed at people with PCOS but the yoga classes, breathwork techniques, mindfulness exercises and information in the eBook can bring benefits to anybody & everybody! The course is suitable for all abilities, whether this is your first time doing yoga or if you have been practising your whole life. Every class gives a range of variations and versions of each pose and talks you through how to modify each pose to suit your unique body, and how it is feeling in the moment.

Please note that this course is not suitable if you are pregnant.

It is always recommended that you consult your doctor before beginning any new movement or exercise program and take any health conditions and injuries into consideration before starting the course.

What will I need for the course?

A Device

A laptop or a phone with an internet connection so that you can watch the videos and listen to the audio.

An area for you to practice

It doesn’t need to be huge, just big enough for you to lie down on the floor on your back, and to swing your arms around when you are standing (so have a little play swinging your arms and having a nice little relax on the floor before class to check you’ve got some space). Please also check the area where you’ll be doing the class to make sure that there are no obstacles or hazards (standing/lying on Lego during yoga is not recommended for relaxation!!).

Any comfy clothes

You do not have to be wearing Instagrammable skin-tight leggings and sports bras. I personally like to do my own yoga practice in comfy joggers and a t-shirt (or sometimes even pyjamas on the weekends!). It just needs to be something that is comfortable and doesn’t restrict your movements.


Yoga or no yoga, hydration is important! Often when practicing yoga, I like to take little breaks to sip on some water, so you might want to think about having a bottle or glass of water nearby for hydration with your relaxation.

Props (or not!)

Throughout the Yoga for PCOS course, I use props in my videos. However, you do not need to buy any special yoga props as within the course, there is a video explaining household objects you can use instead of yoga straps, blocks etc.

Good mindset

Be ready to challenge yourself, give it your best shot, speak kindly to yourself and remember that there is no being good or bad at yoga!

Will this cure my PCOS?

Unfortunately there is no known cure for PCOS but the symptoms can be improved and managed through lifestyle. There are also some medicines available to treat certain symptoms. So whilst yoga will not cure your PCOS, it is a scientifically-proven, natural way to improve your symptoms that does not leave you with any nasty side-effects (and in fact brings many additional positive side-effects into the rest of your life!).

Is 2024 the year that you take control of your PCOS? 

At Noue Yoga, we believe that finding harmony in our body and mind is within reach, and our science-based Yoga for PCOS course is a step towards empowering you in your journey. Join us on our transformative, multifaceted Yoga for PCOS course that combines yoga and science, to offer you the tools to manage PCOS symptoms naturally.

Ready to take control of your health? Join us on this course today and embrace a life of balance and vitality. I look forward to helping you put together the puzzle pieces of PCOS as I guide you on an empowering journey to take back control of your body.